
Workshops/FortbildungWorkshops/Advanced Training

Workshops /Advanced Education/Teamtraining

I offer two different kinds of workshops and join-in-performances, which you can book as a pedagogical seminar over a few days, as a brief team training or as a happening for your company event:

Groove it! – the witty and mouthwatering rhythm training

Groove it! is a pedagogical rhythm training
that aims to teach basic rhythm pattern
as buildings blocks for a collective groove-performance. 

In this workshop we include a great deal of body-percussion
in terms of repetitive moves linked with certain words
or phrases (main theme “take away food”).
According to our experience,
this repetition in physical play and speech
is a convenient and amusing way to internalise rhythmic skills.

Book the workshop/Event
(Groove it! – the witty and mouthwatering rhythm training)


It’s all gone down the drain - instruments are in vain

With this rhythm training the focus is set on a quick and effective production
of a collective groove-performance. 

The instructions are plain, and no musical skills are prerequisite
because we drum with a spoon and a bucket, to keep things simple.
That might sound artless.
Yet, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll get the bug
and how easily you can create fantastic sounds.  

The two different kinds of rhythm-training pursue a similar approach
and therefore can be combined in one workshop.
The number of rhythm trainers is variable as well,
from one or two trainers (GO!) up to four or eight (Groove Onkles)

We coach groups of any size up to a number of 5000 participants.

More information and booking at:

Target Groups:

  • Companies;  bosses, managers and employees
  • people who work in music education and music therapy
  • pupils of all age-groups (e.g. as part of school project days)
  • musicians and music students
  • people who want to increase and sharpen their sense of rhythm
  • everyone who’s interested in creative musical group work 

More details about my concepts:

It’s all gone down the drain - instruments are in vain

A rhythm- and performance happening with buckets and bins.
We use cleaning buckets, garbage and wheelie bins, with 10 liter or 240 liters volume… any kind, any size.
And we beat the buckets well, with toilet brushes, spoons and hands and feet.
Be it unison play or rather rhythmic interaction of subdivided units who play alternating rhythm patterns.   

There are no conventional instruments,
no boring standard sounds,
and there are no limits to our creativity
when it comes to percussion performance!


Book a Workshop
"It’s all gone down the drain - instruments are in vain"

Groove it! – the witty and mouthwatering rhythm training

An interactive rhythm and movement workshop teaching simple as well as complex rhythm patterns by means of catchy phrases on the subject of ‘take-away food’. That means, we might create something like a “chips and gravy” or “fries and ketchup” - Samba performance.
In the workshop we practice and perform rhythmic movement-and-sound combinations in unison or as part music.
And we deploy repetitive speech simultaneously with the physical and musical play in order to facilitate the learning process and make it more fun.
Thus, body and voice function as instruments in all its facets. 

Book a Workshop
"Groove it! – the witty and mouthwatering rhythm training"